The CIO, Chief INFORMATION Officer in the ‘Big Data’ Era

The CIO, Chief INFORMATION Officer in the ‘Big Data’ Era

Speaker: Dr. Bill Limond, Former CIO, City of London

Is the CIO role disappearing, as predicted by Cranfield and Deloitte’s research report, ‘Realizing the Value from a CIO – Navigating the Silicon Ceiling’? CIO used, jokingly, to mean ‘Career Is Over’. With multiple streams of high volume data from mobile, social etc. becoming available to our organisations – ‘big data’ – modern CIOs are anything but finished. In this impactful keynote, you will learn why CIOs are the big data experts and custodians, wresting valuable business information ‘nuggets’ from the big data ‘pools’. You will see how the CIO role role is now even more key and strategic, requiring business acumen, leadership and vision. Join Bill Limond, Former CIO, City of London, as he tells you why the CIO of today is the custodian of the key information assets of the organization, just as the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) is responsible for finance.


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