Utility Panel + AEEI California 21st Century Electricity System Spotlight at Pathway to 2050

Utility Panel + AEEI California 21st Century Electricity System Spotlight at Pathway to 2050

February 3, 2016

(1:10) Tom Starrs, Vice President of Market Strategy and Policy at AEE Member Company SunPower, summarizes key findings and recommendations from AEEI’s newly released “Towards a 21st Century Electricity System for California” position paper.

Download paper here: http://info.aee.net/toward-a-21st-century-electricity-system-for-california?__hssc=62178675.2.1441931133383&__hstc=62178675.46e7c3a68708bd28c6cbbdc076863503.1441393372405.1441918153323.1441931133383.4&hsCtaTracking=1dea0ed6-64bc-49b3-99d2-4f68f0053a7b%7C62ed988d-d927-4fcc-9e5b-4dd87431e2b5

Introduction presented by: Steve Chadima, SVP of Communications and Director of California Initiatives at AEE.

(08:22) Lisa Frantzis, SVP of Strategy & Corporate Development at AEE, facilitates a conversation with three investor-owned utilities about the role of changing utility business models in California. (Seated left to right) Ron Nichols, SVP of Regulatory Affairs at Southern California Edison (SCE); Elisabeth Brinton, Vice President-Corporate Strategy Officer at Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E); and Scott Drury, Chief Energy Supply Officer at San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E); share their vision for how their business models will change over time to embrace additional advanced energy deployment.


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