Business Motivation: How To Build Businesses

Business Motivation: How To Build Businesses

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Knowing how to build businesses is all about 4 things and I’m going to detail exactly what those four things are in just a moment, because so many businesses fail to scale because they don’t understand that speed of growth in business is not like developing speed in any other area of your life.

The speed that you can find great employees, or bring a new idea to market, or make a new marketing campaign profitable, or even the speed at which you can sell your company and move on to another project.

The speed that most businesses grow is less than 15% of what they should be able to grow at.

And I’m not talking about a super-fast “growth rate” that’s bad for a company. That kind of chaotic, unstructured growth kills companies.

In fact, we acquired 2 companies over the past few years because they grew too fast and ran out of money to support their growth, and after we bought them, we kept their growth rate up. Not because we had more money, but because I know the few things to keep my finger on in business to support rapid growth (which is what I detail in this video).

How many times have you heard of a business that started to grow so fast, then they had employment issues, or they had compliance issues, or they had customer support issues, or warehouse issues, or whatever… and their lack of knowledge of how to scale, either stunted their growth, or crushed them completely.

It happens EVERY DAY in business. Because SPEED of growth in business is unlike speed in any other area of your life.

In fact, it’s the ultimate unfair vantage in building businesses.

Go ahead, watch the video now. Also, click on the subscribe button and the bell notification so the next top business tip video gets delivered right to your inbox.

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Schedule: New episodes at least 3x every week on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics.

Chris is an entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, and business adviser to a handful of high growth companies. He has built four 8-figure companies, developed winning leadership teams across multiple industries, and designed business systems that predictably grow multi-million-dollar brands. He’s been featured in financial periodicals such as Success, Inc, Bloomberg, and in Entrepreneur as a top entrepreneur of the time.



Please understand that by watching Chris Guerriero’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get the same, similar (or really any) results. He’s been in business for over 25 years and his results are not typical. Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how-to” but never take action with the information. Chris is only sharing what has worked for him and his clients. Your results are dependent on many factors including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes to succeed. Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH CHRIS’ VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.


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