Women in Chief Information Officer (CIO) Positions in Canadian Higher Education

Women in Chief Information Officer (CIO) Positions in Canadian Higher Education

March 21, 2016

Of the universities belonging to the Canadian University Council of Chief Information Officers (CUCCIO) currently only 10 of the CIOs are women. Given the relatively high percentage of women in information technology (IT), approximately 40% of the IT workforce, why are relatively few (18%) attaining the most senior IT role?

This presentation investigates the challenges, barriers, and opportunities of women in leadership roles in information technology in Canadian universities. The findings of the research literature are amplified by interviews with those in the field. Interviews were conducted with three women: a former CIO, a current CIO, and a senior IT manager with aspirations to be a CIO. In order to gain a broader view of emerging trends, the Executive Director of CUCCIO (herself a former higher education CIO) was also interviewed.

The presentation will identify systemic barriers and present recommendations for personal and organizational initiatives to promote senior technology leadership for women in Canadian higher education. While more women are attaining CIO roles in Canadian universities than ever before, this positive trend is confounded by the continuing negative consequences of stereotypes and other significant career obstacles.


Michael Ridley, Librarian, University of Guelph

About CANHEIT 2013:

The Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference (CANHEIT) is Canada’s premier Higher Education IT conference. CANHEIT 2013 was held in Ottawa, Ontario from June 9 – 12, 2013, and was co-hosted by the University of Ottawa and by Carleton University.

More about CANHEIT 2013


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