What Skills Are Needed to Work in PR? | Public Relations

What Skills Are Needed to Work in PR? | Public Relations

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There’s a certain type of person that I know is going to be a great publicist. There are certain innate skills in someone that I think a publicist needs, and basically being social, being an innovative thinker, and loving and having a very vibrant social life. You need to be organized, but outgoing, not afraid to go up to that person in the party and introduce yourself.

You need to not be afraid to talk about your client, and you’re always pitching. A publicist, you’re never off. So, the skills you need are just someone who is innovative, outgoing, and loves pop culture. Like I’ve said before, you need to have your finger on the pulse of everything sexy, hot and what is now, what is going on now.

So I know you’re going to be a good publicist if you know every magazine out there, the sections in the magazine. You know what’s going on right now in the news. To sum it up, to be a good publicist is you’re outgoing, you’re popular, you’re social, you have a head for business and you have your finger on the pulse of everything hot, hip, and news-worthy.


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