What are BNY Mellon’s current learning goals? by Dave DeFilippo

What are BNY Mellon’s current learning goals? by Dave DeFilippo

Dave DeFilippo is Chief Learning Officer of Suffolk Construction and a member of the company’s Operating Committee and Diversity & Inclusion Council.

Dave regularly speaks and writes about topics related to leadership development, executive coaching and learning and talent management. Prior to joining Suffolk Construction, Dave held leadership roles in Learning & Development at BNY Mellon, Bank of America, Capital One Financial and Comcast.

Dave received his Bachelor’s degree from Union College, his M.A. from New York University and his Doctorate with distinction from the University of Pennsylvania. Dave is also a graduate of Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program.

DeFilippo lays out four high level goals he has set for the learning and development program at BNY Mellon including an emphasis on risk and compliance knowledge improving leadership and management skills, and making changes in department infrastructure.

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