Meteorologist Clayton Stiver Demo Reel

Meteorologist Clayton Stiver Demo Reel

Meteorologist Clayton Stiver
Chief Weather Technology Officer
AMS/NWA TV Seals of Approval
Charlottesville, VA
This is Clayton’s most recent resume reel as of March 2, 2016. Clayton has 9 years of experience working as a television meteorologist. He’s worked in the Mid-Atlantic, New England, and the Midwest and has had the opportunity to experience/forecast a wide array of different types of weather. Not too long ago he had the opportunity to build a weather department from the ground up at a startup station, NH1 News in Concord, NH. He was doing this during the historic New England Winter of 2014-2015. Clayton has a strong passion for weather and enjoys sharing this passion with viewers. His enthusiasm on the air is one of his biggest strengths, but he also has a talent for creating interesting graphics that help tell a detailed weather story. Clayton’s knowledge of forecasting using a variety of computer model data is quite vast and he especially enjoys the challenge of forecasting winter weather. Not only has Clayton been fortunate to forecast winter weather where he’s been located, but he’s had the opportunity to forecast tropical systems, severe thunderstorms, and tornadoes as well. To contact Clayton, you can email him at or call him at 610-417-6470. Thank you for your interest!


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