Industry Perspectives for Neurotranslation.

Industry Perspectives for Neurotranslation.

March 14, 2016

Industry representatives give their perspectives on the most effective strategies for translating advances in science, medicine, engineering and technology into new approaches for enhancing brain function and for developing effective therapies to treat and improve quality of life for people living with brain disorders.

Stephen Oesterle, Senior Vice President, Medicine and Technology, Medtronic, USA
Ismail Kola, Chief Scientific Officer, UCB, Belgium
Anivan Ghosh, Global Head, Neuroscience Discovery and Biomarkers, Roche, Switzerland
Stefan Catsicas, Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Innovation Technologies and Research and Development, Nestlé, Switzerland

Patrick Aebischer, President, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland


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