Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics, 4th Edition (Fire Engineering)

Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics, 4th Edition (Fire Engineering)

December 20, 2015


With this fourth edition, Chief John Norman once again brings invaluable wisdom from his four-decade-long career to firefighters aspiring to the officer level and those seeking to promote safety and effectiveness in their organization and the communities they serve by improving their own skills. In his highly readable style, Chief Norman imparts his wisdom and experience by offering advice informed by actual outcomes from the fireground and tying all the elements together into an understandable big picture.

Divided into two parts General Firefighting Tactics and Specific Fire Situations Fire Officer s Handbook of Tactics, 4th Edition, begins with establishing the ground rules for structural firefighting and then moves on to specific situations, dealing with fires and emergencies in the most common structures and occupancies. The many photos, illustrations, and anecdotes help readers further understand the concepts and lessons in the text.

NEW to this edition

Chief John Norman has updated his best-selling handbook for fire officers and firefighters to include:
A new chapter on lightweight construction
A new chapter on electrical fire and emergencies
Updates to many chapters including such topics as wind-driven fires
Many new illustrations

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