Bunker Roy & Meagan Fallone, Barefoot College, Carnegie Mellon Energy Week 2016

Bunker Roy & Meagan Fallone, Barefoot College, Carnegie Mellon Energy Week 2016

Bunker Roy, Founder & Director, Barefoot College and Meagan Fallone, Chief Executive Officer, Barefoot College provide an overview of the activities of Barefoot College. For more than 40 years, The Barefoot College has designed new ways to nurture and support a journey to empowerment, one village at a time, one woman at a time. It demystifies and decentralises technology and put new tools in the hands of the rural poor with a singular objective of spreading self-sufficiency and sustainability. With a geographic focus on the Least Developed Countries, Barefoot College trains women worldwide as solar engineers, innovators and educators, who then return to their villages to bring light and learning to their community. For more information, go to http://www.barefootcollege.org/.


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