White House Chief technology officer testifies to Congress that the healthcare.gov computer team is

White House Chief technology officer testifies to Congress that the healthcare.gov computer team is

The White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park told Congress today that “the team” is working very hard to make sure the Affordable Health Care website is “up and running for the majority of Americans.”
Park was responding to questions from members of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee chaired by Representative Darrell Issa.
Issa had a long list of issues, insufficient testing, possible security flaws and design shortcomings.
Park stepped aside any questions regarding what went wrong or what would have have done.
He wasn’t brought into the project until after the October first roll-out difficulties.
There didn’t seem to be a “smoking gun” behind the technical failure that has mortified supporters of President Barack Obama’s health care law and cheered its opponents.
The technology’s cost to taxpayers: north of $600 million and climbing.
It was the sixth major congressional hearing since computerized insurance markets went live Oct. 1 and millions of consumers encountered frozen screens.
The oversight committee was sharply divided along partisan lines.

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