Browsing: internet

Dr. Hugh Thompson, Symantec’s Chief Technology Officer , on cybersecurity

On Tuesday 5th of September, EIF and MEPs Pilar del Castillo & Michal Boni, hosted a debate on cybersecurity. source Link to this post!

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The Power of Networks | Jim Barksdale | TEDxJackson

Network theory concepts explain the dramatic impact of technology-based businesses during the last century. They also describe common threads in the remarkable career of Jim…

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Cybersecurity and Innovation in the Information Economy – Segment 5

As part of its initiative to ensure that the Internet continues to spawn growth and innovation, the U.S. Dept. of Commerce held a symposium on…

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Keynote Remarks of Vivek Kundra – U.S. Chief Information Officer

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sponsored the Cloud Computing Forum and Workship II November 4-5, 2010 to update government and industry stakeholders…

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Evangelizing for the Lean Startup

(September 30, 2009) Speaker, author and entrepreneur Eric Ries shares rapid fire wisdom on building nimble, responsive, and efficient online software-based business. He also offers…

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David Nunn, Chief Technology Officer, discusses the importance of PCI compliance 2.0

David Nunn, Chief Technology Officer, discusses the importance of PCI compliance 2.0 to internet retailers, how the standards are constantly evolving to fight fraud and…

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Erik Huizer on the Free and Open Internet

Huizer is Chief Technology Officer at SURFnet, the Dutch national academic and research network, and also a part-time professor Internet Applications at University of Utrecht….

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Open for Questions: First Anniversary of the Open Government Directive

Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra, Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra and Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass Sunstein take your questions…

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Five Minutes with Jay Alexander, Chief Technology Officer, Keysight Technologies

As you might expect, test technologies of today don’t bear much resemblance to those of a decade or two ago. This week’s interviewee is Jay…

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