How IR Savvy Asset Managers Outperform Other Fundraisers by 4:1 – Private Equity Investor Relations

How IR Savvy Asset Managers Outperform Other Fundraisers by 4:1 – Private Equity Investor Relations

January 31, 2016

The traditional approach to attracting institutional assets – leveraging strong investment performance and investor relationships – is no longer good enough.

The surprising fact is the best performing asset managers do NOT raise the most capital.

Watch this recorded webinar with Chestnut Advisory Group and Navatar, and learn:
• Why best-of-breed IR communicators raise more than top investment performers – by as much as 4:1
• What factors drive investors to hire a manager 3-12 months more quickly and reinvest additional capital more readily
• How technology is enabling top fundraisers to reach out to significantly more investors (40% on average) and engage with LPs more frequently (with up to 50% more contact) all with greater efficiency and lower cost.

This webinar will provide you with actionable tips in just 20 minutes, plus a Q&A to help you build a best-of-breed investor relations program for 2016.


Amanda Tepper
Chestnut Advisory Group

Ketan Khandkar
Chief Operating Officer


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